Support Us

The Maslar Foundation is a 501(c)3, so donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. To support us in our work you can:

– Make a monetary donation. Donate via Paypal.

Contact us at to donate via check, or you can mail a check to Maslar Foundation, 37211 Charter Oaks Blvd, Clinton Township, MI, 48036

-Shop at and select the Maslar Foundation as your charity. Each time you shop at we’ll receive a small part of your payment to Amazon. Prices are the same as the regular Amazon website – you get to make a small contribution to us with every purchase you make. Click this link to set up your account to donate to the Maslar Foundation.

– If you shop at a Kroger and have a Kroger card, you can link your account to the Maslar Foundation. Create an account or log-in here, and select the Maslar Foundation as your community partner. We’ll receive a portion of what you spend every time you use your Kroger card – at no cost to you.

Thank you for all of your support!